Monday 30 January 2017

Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization[Bank] | Synchronization in java)

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Click the below Image to Enlarge
Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization[Bank] | Synchronization in java) 
Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization[Bank] | Synchronization in java) 
Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization[Bank] | Synchronization in java) 
Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization[Bank] | Synchronization in java) 
Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization[Bank] | Synchronization in java) 
Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization[Bank] | Synchronization in java) 
Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization[Bank] | Synchronization in java) 
Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization[Bank] | Synchronization in java) 
Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization[Bank] | Synchronization in java) 
Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization[Bank] | Synchronization in java) 
Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization[Bank] | Synchronization in java) 
Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization[Bank] | Synchronization in java) 
Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization[Bank] | Synchronization in java)
public class BankAccount

    private int accountNumber;
    private double accountBalance;
    private AccountDAO dao;

    public synchronized boolean deposit(double amount)
        double newAccountBalance;
         * Get the current balance from DB table.
        accountBalance = dao.getCurrentAccountBalance(accountNumber);
        if (amount < 0.0)
             * Can not deposit a negative amount.
            return false; 

            newAccountBalance = accountBalance + amount;
             * Update the new balance in the DB table.
            return true;

public class AccountDAO

    public double getCurrentAccountBalance(int accountNumber)
         * Code to get the current balance from DB table.
        return 0;

    public void updateAccountBalance(double newAccountBalance)
         * Code to update the new balance in the DB table.

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  • All JavaEE Viedos Playlist
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  • Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java)

    Click here to watch in Youtube :

    Click the below Image to Enlarge
    Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java) 
    Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java) 
    Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java) 
    Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java) 
    Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java) 
    Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java) 
    Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java) 
    Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java) 
    Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java) 
    Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java) 
    Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java) 
    Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java) 
    Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java) 
    Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java) 
    Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java) 
    Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java) 
    Java Tutorial: Java Synchronization (Why we use Synchronization | Synchronization in java) 
    See also:
  • All JavaEE Viedos Playlist
  • All JavaEE Viedos
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  • Servlets Tutorial
  • All Design Patterns Links
  • JDBC Tutorial
  • Java Collection Framework Tutorial
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  • Kids Tutorial
  • Java Tutorial: Java Runtime class (gc method)

    Click here to watch in Youtube :
    public class RuntimeDemo
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
             * Returns the runtime object associated with the
             * current Java application.
            Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
            System.out.println("Runs the Gargage collector..");
             * Runs the garbage collector.
             * Calling this method suggests that the Java
             * virtual machine expend effort toward recycling
             * unused objects in order to make the memory they
             * currently occupy available for quick reuse. When
             * control returns from the method call, the virtual
             * machine has made its best effort to recycle all
             * discarded objects.
             * The name gc stands for "garbage collector". The
             * virtual machine performs this recycling process
             * automatically as needed, in a separate thread,
             * even if the gc method is not invoked explicitly.
             * The method System.gc() is the conventional and
             * convenient means of invoking this method.
    Runs the Gargage collector..
    Click the below link to download the code:

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    See also:
  • All JavaEE Viedos Playlist
  • All JavaEE Viedos
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  • Servlets Tutorial
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  • JDBC Tutorial
  • Java Collection Framework Tutorial
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  • Java Tutorial: Java Runtime class (halt method)

    Click here to watch in Youtube :
     * public void halt(int status)
     * Parameters: 
     * -----------
     * status - Termination status. By convention, a nonzero
     * status code indicates abnormal termination.
    public class RuntimeDemo
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
             * Returns the runtime object associated with the
             * current Java application.
            Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
            System.out.println("Before halt method is called..");
             * Forcibly terminates the currently running Java
             * virtual machine.
             * This method should be used with extreme caution.
             * Unlike the exit method, this method does not
             * cause shutdown hooks to be started and does not
             * run uninvoked finalizers if finalization-on-exit
             * has been enabled. If the shutdown sequence has
             * already been initiated then this method does not
             * wait for any running shutdown hooks or finalizers
             * to finish their work.
            System.out.println("After halt method is called..");
    Before halt method is called..
    Click the below link to download the code:

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    See also:
  • All JavaEE Viedos Playlist
  • All JavaEE Viedos
  • All JAVA EE Links
  • Servlets Tutorial
  • All Design Patterns Links
  • JDBC Tutorial
  • Java Collection Framework Tutorial
  • JAVA Tutorial
  • Kids Tutorial
  • Java Tutorial: Java Runtime class (exec(String command,String[] envp,File dir) method)

    Click here to watch in Youtube :
     * public Process exec(String command, String[] envp,
     *                              File dir) throws IOException
     * Parameters: 
     * -----------
     * command - a specified system command.
     * envp - array of strings, each element of which has
     * environment variable settings in the format
     * name=value, or null if the subprocess should inherit
     * the environment of the current process.
     * dir - the working directory of the subprocess, or
     * null if the subprocess should inherit the working
     * directory of the current process.
    public class RuntimeDemo
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
             * Returns the runtime object associated with the
             * current Java application.
            Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
             * Create a file with the working directory we wish
            File dir = new File("D:/Work/");
             * Executes the specified string command in a
             * separate process with the specified environment
             * and working directory.
             * It will open a new notepad.
            Process process = runtime.exec("notepad.exe", null, dir);
            System.out.println("is process alive = " + process.isAlive());
    is process alive = true
    Click the below link to download the code:

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    See also:
  • All JavaEE Viedos Playlist
  • All JavaEE Viedos
  • All JAVA EE Links
  • Servlets Tutorial
  • All Design Patterns Links
  • JDBC Tutorial
  • Java Collection Framework Tutorial
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  • Kids Tutorial
  • Java Tutorial: Java Runtime class (exec(String command,String[] envp) method)

    Click here to watch in Youtube :
     * public Process exec(String command, String[] envp)
     *                                      throws IOException
     * Parameters:
     * -----------
     * command - a specified system command.
     * envp - array of strings, each element of which has
     * environment variable settings in the format
     * name=value, or null if the subprocess should inherit
     * the environment of the current process.
    public class RuntimeDemo
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
             * Returns the runtime object associated with the
             * current Java application.
            Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
             * Executes the specified string command in a
             * separate process with the specified environment.
             * It will open a new notepad.
            Process process = runtime.exec("notepad.exe",null);
            System.out.println("is process alive = " + process.isAlive());
    is process alive = true
    Click the below link to download the code:

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    See also:
  • All JavaEE Viedos Playlist
  • All JavaEE Viedos
  • All JAVA EE Links
  • Servlets Tutorial
  • All Design Patterns Links
  • JDBC Tutorial
  • Java Collection Framework Tutorial
  • JAVA Tutorial
  • Kids Tutorial
  • Java Tutorial: Java Runtime class (exec(String[] cmdarray,String[] envp,File dir) method)

    Click here to watch in Youtube :
     * public Process exec(String[] cmdarray, String[] envp,
     *                              File dir) throws IOException
     * Parameters: 
     * -----------
     * cmdarray - array containing the command to call and
     * its arguments.
     * envp - array of strings, each element of which has
     * environment variable settings in the format
     * name=value, or null if the subprocess should inherit
     * the environment of the current process.
     * dir - the working directory of the subprocess, or
     * null if the subprocess should inherit the working
     * directory of the current process.
    public class RuntimeDemo
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
            String[] cmdArray = new String[2];
            cmdArray[0] = "notepad.exe";
            cmdArray[1] = "Hello.txt";
                    "Executing notepad.exe and opening Hello.txt");
             * Returns the runtime object associated with the
             * current Java application.
            Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
            File dir = new File("D:/work");
             * Executes the specified string command in a
             * separate process with the specified environment
             * and working directory.
             * Returns: A new Process object for managing the
             * subprocess
            Process process = runtime.exec(cmdArray, null, dir);
            System.out.println("is process alive = " + process.isAlive());
            System.out.println(cmdArray[1] + " should now open.");
    Executing notepad.exe and opening Hello.txt
    is process alive = true
    Hello.txt should now open.
    Click the below link to download the code:

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    See also:
  • All JavaEE Viedos Playlist
  • All JavaEE Viedos
  • All JAVA EE Links
  • Servlets Tutorial
  • All Design Patterns Links
  • JDBC Tutorial
  • Java Collection Framework Tutorial
  • JAVA Tutorial
  • Kids Tutorial
  • Java Tutorial: Java Runtime class (exec(String[] cmdarray, String[] envp) method)

    Click here to watch in Youtube :
     * public Process exec(String[] cmdarray, String[] envp)
     *                                      throws IOException
     * Parameters: 
     * -----------
     * cmdarray - array containing the command to call and
     * its arguments. 
     * envp - array of strings, each element
     * of which has environment variable settings in the
     * format name=value, or null if the subprocess should
     * inherit the environment of the current process.
    public class RuntimeDemo
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
            String[] cmdArray = new String[2];
            cmdArray[0] = "notepad.exe";
            cmdArray[1] = "Hello.txt";
            System.out.println("Executing notepad.exe and opening Hello.txt");
             * Returns the runtime object associated with the
             * current Java application.
            Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
             * Executes the specified command and arguments in a
             * separate process with the specified environment.
             * Returns: A new Process object for managing the
             * subprocess
            Process process = runtime.exec(cmdArray, null);
            System.out.println("is process alive = " + process.isAlive());
            System.out.println(cmdArray[1] + " should now open.");
    Executing notepad.exe and opening Hello.txt
    is process alive = true
    Hello.txt should now open.
    Click the below link to download the code:

    Github Link:

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    See also:
  • All JavaEE Viedos Playlist
  • All JavaEE Viedos
  • All JAVA EE Links
  • Servlets Tutorial
  • All Design Patterns Links
  • JDBC Tutorial
  • Java Collection Framework Tutorial
  • JAVA Tutorial
  • Kids Tutorial
  • Java Tutorial: Java Runtime class (exec(String[] cmdarray) method)

    Click here to watch in Youtube :
     * public Process exec(String[] cmdarray) throws
     *                                      IOException
     * Parameters: 
     * -----------
     * cmdarray - array containing the command to call and
     * its arguments.
    public class RuntimeDemo
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
            String[] cmdArray = new String[2];
            cmdArray[0] = "notepad.exe";
            cmdArray[1] = "Hello.txt";
            System.out.println("Executing notepad.exe and opening Hello.txt");
             * Returns the runtime object associated with the
             * current Java application.
            Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
             * Executes the specified command and arguments in a
             * separate process.
             * Returns: A new Process object for managing the
             * subprocess
            Process process = runtime.exec(cmdArray);
            System.out.println("is process alive = " + process.isAlive());
            System.out.println(cmdArray[1] + " should now open.");
    Executing notepad.exe and opening Hello.txt
    is process alive = true
    Hello.txt should now open.
    Click the below link to download the code:

    Github Link:

    Bitbucket Link:

    See also:

  • All JavaEE Viedos Playlist
  • All JavaEE Viedos
  • All JAVA EE Links
  • Servlets Tutorial
  • All Design Patterns Links
  • JDBC Tutorial
  • Java Collection Framework Tutorial
  • JAVA Tutorial
  • Kids Tutorial
  • Friday 27 January 2017

    Java Tutorial: Java Runtime class (How to terminate JVM using exit method)

    Click here to watch in Youtube :

    Click the below Image to Enlarge
    Java Tutorial: Java Runtime class (How to terminate JVM using exit method)
     * public void exit(int status)
     * Parameters: 
     * -----------
     * status - Termination status. By convention, a nonzero
     * status code indicates abnormal termination.
    public class RuntimeDemo
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
             * Returns the runtime object associated with the
             * current Java application.
            Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
            System.out.println("Before exit method is called..");
             * Terminates the currently running Java virtual
             * machine by initiating its shutdown sequence..
            System.out.println("After exit method is called..");
    Before exit method is called..
    Click the below link to download the code:

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    See also:
  • All JavaEE Viedos Playlist
  • All JavaEE Viedos
  • All JAVA EE Links
  • Servlets Tutorial
  • All Design Patterns Links
  • JDBC Tutorial
  • Java Collection Framework Tutorial
  • JAVA Tutorial
  • Kids Tutorial