- Table of contents
- JSON | XML | SQL | MongoDB Playlist
- JSON Tutorial
- JSON Crash Course | What is JSON? | JSON Tutorial For Beginners | JSON vs XML | JSON with Examples
- JSON Introduction
- How to store/retrieve JSON data to/from the browser local storage?
- JSON Syntax
- JSON uses JavaScript Syntax
- JSON Data types
- How to use the parse() method of JSON?
- How to convert a JSON Array to Java Script Array?
- JSON - How to the parse the date?
- JSON - Parsing functions
- JSON - How to Stringify a JavaScript object?
- JSON - How to Stringify a JavaScript Array?
- What is JSON Objects and how to access the JSON Object values?
- JSON - How to loop an Object and get all the Keys and Values?
- Nested JSON Objects
- Online JSON Parser
- How to modify the values of Nested JSON Objects?
- How to delete object properties of Nested JSON Objects?
- What is JSON Arrays?
- How to use a for-in loop to get JSON Array values?
- How to use a for loop to get JSON Array values?
- How to modify the JSON Array?
- How to delete an item from the JSON Array?
- Nested Arrays in JSON Object
- XML Tutorial
- SQL Tutorial
- SQL Introduction | What is SQL?
- What is RDBMS? | What Is Relational Database Management System?
- What are database tables?
- How to use SQL Select Statement?
- How to use SQL Select Distinct Statement?
- How to use the SQL WHERE clause?
- How to use SQL AND Operator?
- How to use SQL OR Operator?
- How to use SQL NOT Operator?
- How to combine AND, OR, and NOT Operators?
- How to use the ORDER BY keyword?
- How to use INSERT INTO Statement?
- What is NULL values in SQL?
- How to use SQL Update Statement?
- How to use SQL DELETE Statement?
- How to use the SQL TOP, LIMIT, or ROWNUM clause?
- How to use SQL MIN() and MAX() functions?
- How to use SQL COUNT(), AVG(), and SUM() functions?
- How to use SQL LIKE Operator?
- How to use the SQL IN Operator?
- How to use the SQL BETWEEN Operator?
- What is SQL aliases and how to use the SQL aliases?
- How to use the SQL GROUP BY Statement?
- How to use the SQL HAVING Clause?
- What is One to Many relationship?
- What is SQL Join and how to use the SQL Join?
- What are the different types of SQL Joins?
- What is SQL Inner Join and how to use the SQL Inner Join?
- What is SQL LEFT Join and how to use the SQL LEFT Join?
- What is SQL RIGHT Join and how to use the SQL RIGHT Join?
- What is SQL FULL OUTER Join and how to use the SQL FULL OUTER Join?
- What is SQL UNION Operator and how to use the SQL UNION Operator?
- What is SQL Comments?
- What is SQL CASE Statement and how to use the SQL CASE Statement?
- What is SQL EXISTS Operator and how to use the SQL EXISTS Operator?
- What is Null functions in SQL and how to use the Null functions?
- What is SQL ANY Operator and how to use the SQL ANY Operator?
- What is SQL ALL Operator and how to use the SQL ALL Operator?
- How to use the CREATE TABLE --- SELECT Syntax in SQL?
- How to use the CREATE DATABASE Statement in SQL?
- How to use the INSERT INTO SELECT Statement in SQL?
- What is Stored procedures in SQL? and how to use the Stored procedures?
- How to use the CREATE TABLE Statement in SQL?
- How to use the DROP TABLE Statement in SQL?
- How to use the DROP DATABASE Statement in SQL?
- How to use the ALTER TABLE Statement in SQL?
- What is SQL Constraints? and how to use the Constraints in SQL?
- How to use the NOT NULL Constraint in SQL?
- How to use the UNIQUE Constraint in SQL?
- How to use the Primary key Constraint in SQL?
- How to use the Foreign key Constraint in SQL?
- How to use the Check Constraint in SQL?
- How to use the Default Constraint in SQL?
- How to use the CREATE INDEX Statement in SQL?
- How to use the Auto-Increment Field in SQL?
- How to use Dates in SQL?
- What are SQL Views and how to use SQL Views?
- What is SQL Injection and how to avoid SQL Injection?
- What is SQL Hosting?
- MongoDB Tutorial
- MongoDB Introduction
- MongoDB Overview | MongoDB Introduction
- MongoDB Primary key | MongoDB ObjectId
- Mapping Relational Databases to MongoDB
- Mapping Relational Databases to MongoDB_V2
- Difference between MongoDB & RDBMS
- SQL vs NoSQL Database: What's the difference? | Difference between SQL and NoSQL Database
- Difference between SQL and NoSQL Database | SQL vs NoSQL Database: What's the difference?
- MongoDB advantages over RDBMS
- What is NoSQL Database?
- How to install MongoDB on Windows Operating System? - Package zip
- How to install MongoDB on Windows Operating System? - MSI Package
- How to Install MongoDB 7 on Windows 11 | Complete Setup of MongoDB Server, Compass & Shell
- How to Install MongoDB 8 on Windows 11 | Complete Setup of MongoDB Server, Compass & Shell
- How to change the location that MongoDB uses to store its data? | Changing MongoDB datastore directory
- How to uninstall MongoDB on Windows Operating System?
- How to install and how to use Robo 3T MongoDB Client?
- How to install and how to use Studio 3T MongoDB Client?
- How to install and how to use MongoDB Compass Client?
- How to install and how to use Mongo Management Studio Client?
- Data Modelling in MongoDB | MongoDB Data Modeling
- How to Create a Database in MongoDB?
- How to Drop a Database in MongoDB?
- How to Create a Collection in MongoDB?
- How to Drop a Collection in MongoDB?
- How to Insert Document in a Collection in MongoDB using the Insert method?
- How to Insert Document in a Collection in MongoDB using the Save method?
- How to Update the Document in a Collection in MongoDB using the Update method?
- How to Update the Document in a Collection in MongoDB using the save method?
- How to query the Document in the Collection in MongoDB using the find method?
- MongoDB- Query Document [RDBMS Where clause equivalents in MongoDB]
- MongoDB- Query Document using Less than and Less than Equals operations
- MongoDB - Query Document using Greater than and Greater than Equals operations
- MongoDB - Query Document using Not Equals Operation
- MongoDB - Query Document using AND Operator
- MongoDB - Query Document using OR Operator
- MongoDB - Query Document using AND and OR Operators together
- How to delete the document from the Collection in MongoDB?
- MongoDB Projection With Example
- How to Limit Records in MongoDB ?
- How to Skip Records in MongoDB?
- How to Sort Records in MongoDB?
- MongoDB - $sum (aggregation) | Aggregation in MongoDB
- MongoDB - $avg (aggregation) | Aggregation in MongoDB
- MongoDB - $min and $max (aggregation) | Aggregation in MongoDB
- MongoDB - $first and $last(aggregation) | Aggregation in MongoDB
- Introduction of NoSQL Databases | What is the NoSQL Database?
- What is the NoSQL Database and When to use?
- Introduction of MongoDB | About MongoDB
- MongoDB Indexing Tutorial with Example | Indexing in MongoDB
- How to Create the Database and Collection in MongoDB?
- How to add multiple documents into the Collection using the insert method and Array?
- What is the Primary Key concept in MongoDB?
- What is Cursor in MongoDB?
- How to query the document using the find() function in MongoDB?
- MongoDB order with Sort() & Limit() Query with Examples
- MongoDB Count() Function with Example
- MongoDB Remove() Function with Examples
- MongoDB Update() Function with Examples
- MongoDB Indexing Tutorial - createIndex(), dropindex() Example
- MongoDB Indexing and How to create an Index using the ensureIndex() method?
- MongoDB Regular Expression (Regex) with Examples - Part1
- MongoDB Regular Expression (Regex) - Pattern matching with $options Example - Part2
- MongoDB Regular Expression (Regex) - Pattern matching without the regex operator with Example - Part3
- How to fetch last 'n' records from a collection in MongoDB?
- What is NoSQL (Not Only SQL) Database?
- What is the difference between RDBMS & MongoDB?
- How to configure MongoDB Server with configuration file?
- How to Insert a document in a collection using a JavaScript file in MongoDB?
- How to Insert an Array of documents in a collection using a JavaScript file in MongoDB?
- Updating the document in a Collection in MongoDB
- Query Operators - $in, $nin and $exists in MongoDB
- How to use distinct() and count() methods in MongoDB?
- Deleting documents from the Collection in MongoDB
- Understanding the impact of Indexes in MongoDB
- Understanding the impact of Indexes in MongoDB - How much execution time with and without Index?
- Data Modelling in MongoDB | MongoDB Data Modelling
- Data Modeling Introduction — MongoDB
- MongoDB - Data Model Design | Data Modelling in MongoDB
- Model One-to-One Relationships with Embedded Documents in MongDB | Data Modelling in MongoDB
- Model One-to-Many Relationships with Embedded Documents in MongoDB | Data Modelling in MongoDB
- Model One-to-Many Relationships with Document References in MongoDB | Data Modelling in MongoDB
- Model Tree Structures with Parent References in MongoDB | Data Modelling in MongoDB
- Model Tree Structures with Child References in MongoDB | Data Modelling in MongoDB
- Model Tree Structures with an Array of Ancestors in MongoDB | Data Modelling in MongoDB | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- How to establish One-to-One Relationships in MongoDB? | Data Modelling in MongoDB | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- How to establish One-to-Many Relationships in MongoDB? | Data Modelling in MongoDB | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- How to establish Many-to-Many Relationships in MongoDB? | Data Modelling in MongoDB | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- How to create the user and add the root role in MongoDB? | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- How to create the user and add the role as userAdminAnyDatabase in MongoDB? | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- How to create the user and add the role as userAdmin in MongoDB? | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- How to create the user and assign multiple roles for a Single Database in MongoDB? | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- How to drop the single user and all the users in MongoDB? | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- What are the different Built-in roles in MongoDB? | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- $natural Operator Sorting in MongoDB | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- How to use the explain() method and parameter options in MongoDB | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- How to use Group by using reduce function in MongoDB? | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- What is Map-Reduce in MongoDB? | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- What is Namespace in MongoDB? | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- What is Replication in MongoDB? | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- Understanding Replication Architecture in MongoDB | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- Understanding Arbiter and Heartbeat in MongoDB | Replication in MongoDB | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- Election for primary: Replica set elections in MongoDB | Replication in MongoDB | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- What is Voting and not voting members in Replica Set in MongoDB? | Replication in MongoDB | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- How to do single node Replica Set Setup in MongoDB? | Replication in MongoDB | Mongodb Master-Slave Setup | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- How to do a multiple node Replica Set Setup in MongoDB? | Replication in MongoDB | MongoDB Master-Slave Setup | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- How to convert from Replica set to a Standalone in MongoDB? | Replication in MongoDB | Mongodb Master-Slave Setup | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- What is Replication and how to do Replica Set Setup in MongoDB? - Version 1 | Replication in MongoDB | MongoDB Master-Slave Setup | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- What is Replication and how to do Replica Set Setup in MongoDB? - Version 2 | Replication in MongoDB | MongoDB Master-Slave Setup | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- How to Download, Install MongoDB 6.0.5 on Windows 11|Complete Setup of MongoDB Server, Compass&Shell
- How to uninstall MongoDB 6 & MongoDB Compass on Windows 11? | MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- How to Connect to MongoDB using Java? | MongoDB with Java connection |MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners
- How to Get and Select a Collection and Insert a Document using Java Program? | MongoDB with Java
- How to Get and Select a Collection and Insert multiple Documents using Java? | MongoDB with Java
- How to Get and Select a Collection and Retrieving All the Documents using Java? | MongoDB with Java
- How to Get and Select a Collection and update one document in the collection using Java in MongoDB
- How to Get and Select a Collection and update many documents in the collection using Java in MongoDB
- How to Get and Select a Collection and Read a specific document using Java? | MongoDB with Java
- How to Get and Select a Collection and read a range of documents using Java? | MongoDB with Java
- How to read a range of documents using Java in MongoDB and add the docs into ArrayList or Consumer?
- How to update the document in the collection using the findOneAndUpdate method? | MongoDB with Java
- How to delete one document in the collection using Java? | MongoDB with Java | MongoDB with Java
- How to Select Collection and delete many documents in the collection using Java? | MongoDB with Java
- How to Connect to MongoDB and retrieve the list of databases using Java? | MongoDB with Java
- How to list all the Collections in a MongoDB database using Java?| MongoDB with Java connection
- How to delete a collection from MongoDB using Java? | MongoDB with Java connection
- MongoDB Atlas Database Tutorial
- Getting Started with MongoDB Atlas Database | MongoDB Atlas Database Tutorial
- Introduction to MongoDB Atlas Database | MongoDB Atlas Database Tutorial
- MongoDB vs MongoDB Atlas: What’s the Difference? | MongoDB Atlas Database Tutorial
- MongoDB vs MongoDB Atlas: Comprehensive Comparison | MongoDB Atlas Database Tutorial
- MongoDB Atlas Setup Tutorial: Get Started with Your Cloud Database (Beginner Friendly)
- MongoDB Atlas Java Integration Made Easy | Java + MongoDB Atlas: Building Scalable Applications
- How to Connect MongoDB Atlas with Java | Connecting MongoDB Atlas to Your Java Application
- Spring Boot MongoDB Atlas CRUD Operations | Spring Boot MongoDB Atlas Integration
- MongoDB Atlas: How to Safely Delete a Project and Database
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All Tutorials Links
Design Patterns
Spring & Spring Boot & WebService & Database & AWS
- All JavaEE Viedos Playlist
- All JavaEE Viedos
- All JAVA EE Links
- All Design Patterns Links
- Spring Tutorial
- Spring boot & JMS & Apache Kafka & Web Services
- Servlets Tutorial
- JDBC Tutorial
- JAVA Tutorial
- Java Collection Framework
- Apache Server Tutorial
- Apache Maven Tutorial
- JSON/XML/SQL/MongoDB Tutorials
- Computer Tutorial
- Kids Learning Tutorial
- Cooking Tutorial
- All Design Patterns Links
- Design Pattern - Playlists
- Design Pattern - Playlists - Part1
- Design Patterns - Introduction - Playlist
- J2EE Design Patterns - Playlist
- Creational Design patterns - Playlist
- Structural Design patterns - Playlist
- Behavioral Design patterns - Playlist
- Front Controller Design Pattern - Playlist
- Intercepting Filter Design Pattern - Playlist
- Business Delegate Design Pattern - Playlist
- Service Locator Design Pattern - Playlist
- Context Object Design Pattern - Playlist
- Data Access Object Design Pattern - Playlist
- Design Pattern - Playlists - Part2
- Object Pool Design Pattern - Playlist
- Singleton Design Pattern - Playlist
- Factory Design Pattern - Playlist
- Abstract Factory Design Pattern - Playlist
- Prototype Design pattern - Playlist
- Builder Design pattern - Playlist
- Iterator Design Pattern - Playlist
- Observer Design Pattern - Playlist
- Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern - Playlist
- Memento Design pattern - Playlist
- Design Pattern - Playlists - Part3
- Mediator Design pattern - Playlist
- Strategy Design pattern - Playlist
- Visitor Design pattern - Playlist
- State Design pattern - Playlist
- Command Design pattern - Playlist
- Interpreter Design pattern - Playlist
- Filter or Criteria Design Pattern - Playlist
- Composite Design Pattern - Playlist
- Proxy Design pattern - Playlist
- Flyweight Design pattern - Playlist
- Decorator Design pattern - Playlist
- Bridge Design pattern - Playlist
- Adapter Design pattern - Playlist
- Design Pattern - Playlists - Part4
- Base Design Pattern - Playlist
- Data Source Architectural Design Patterns - Playlist
- Object-Relational Metadata Mapping Design Patterns - Playlist
- Offline Concurrency Design Patterns - Playlist
- Domain Logic Design Patterns - Playlist
- Object-Relational Behavioral Design Patterns - Playlist
- Object-Relational Structural Design Patterns - Playlist
- Web Presentation Design Patterns - Playlist
- Distribution Design Patterns - Playlist
- Session State Design Patterns - Playlist
- Concurrency Design patterns - Playlist
- Design Pattern - Playlists - Part5
- Design Pattern - Playlists - Part1
- Design Patterns - Introduction
- Design Patterns
- Design patterns - catalog
- Enterprise Application Architecture Patterns
- Domain Logic Patterns
- Data Source Architectural Patterns
- Object Relational Behavioral Patterns
- Object-Relational Structural Patterns
- Object Relational Metadata Mapping Patterns
- Web Presentation Patterns
- Distribution Patterns
- Offline Concurrency Patterns
- Base Design Pattern
- Session State Design pattern
- Concurrency patterns
- J2EE patterns
- Creational Design patterns
- Structural design patterns
- Behavioral design patterns
- J2EE Design Patterns
- Creational Design patterns
- Creational Design patterns
- Object Pool Design Pattern
- Singleton Design Pattern
- Factory Design Pattern
- Abstract Factory Design Pattern
- Prototype Design Pattern
- Builder Design Pattern
- Builder Design Pattern - Introduction
- Builder Design pattern - Real Time Example [Meal Package]
- Builder Design pattern - Real Time Example [Animal Toys]
- Builder Design pattern - Real Time Example [Beverage]
- Builder Design Pattern - Class Diagram
- Builder Design Pattern - Sequence Diagram
- Builder Design Pattern - Implementation [Beverage]
- Builder Design Pattern - Implementation [Animal Toy]
- Builder Design Pattern - KeyPoints
- Behavioral design patterns
- Behavioral design patterns
- Iterator Design Pattern
- Observer Design Pattern
- Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern
- Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern - Introduction
- Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern - Real time Example
- Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern - Class and Sequence Diagram
- Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern - Implementation(One Receiver)
- Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern - Implementation(one or more Receiver)
- Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern - Key Points
- Momento Design pattern
- Template Design pattern or Template Method Design pattern
- Template Design pattern or Template Method Design pattern - Introduction
- Template Design pattern or Template Method Design pattern - Real Time Example [Coffee]
- Template Design pattern or Template Method Design pattern - Real Time Example [Car]
- Template Design pattern or Template Method Design pattern - Class Diagram
- Template Design pattern or Template Method Design pattern - Implementation [Building a House]
- Template Design pattern or Template Method Design pattern - Implementation [Coffee]
- Template Design pattern or Template Method Design pattern - KeyPoints
- Mediator Design pattern
- Mediator Design pattern - Introduction
- Mediator Design pattern - When to Use
- Mediator Design pattern - Real Time Example [Facebook]
- Mediator Design pattern - Real Time Example [ATC]
- Mediator Design pattern - Real Time Example [Chat Room]
- Mediator Design pattern - Class Diagram
- Mediator Design pattern - Implementation [Facebook]
- Mediator Design pattern - Implementation [Chat Room]
- Mediator Design pattern - KeyPoints
- Strategy Design pattern
- Strategy Design pattern - Introduction
- Strategy Design pattern - Real Time Example [Compress files]
- Strategy Design pattern - Real Time Example [Payment]
- Strategy Design pattern - Real Time Example [Travel]
- Strategy Design pattern - Real Time Example [Sorting]
- Strategy Design pattern - Real Time Example [Search]
- Strategy Design pattern - Class Diagram
- Strategy Design pattern - Sequence Diagram
- Strategy Design pattern - Implementation [Compress files]
- Strategy Design pattern - Implementation [Travel]
- Strategy Design pattern - Implementation [Payment]
- Strategy Design pattern - Implementation [Search]
- Strategy Design pattern - Implementation [Sort]
- Strategy Design pattern - KeyPoints
- Visitor Design pattern
- Visitor Design pattern - Introduction
- Visitor Design pattern - Real time Example [Kids]
- Visitor Design pattern - Real time Example [Products]
- Visitor Design pattern - Class Diagram
- Visitor Design pattern - Implementation [Kids]
- Visitor Design pattern - Implementation [Products]
- Visitor Design pattern - KeyPoints
- State Design pattern
- State Design pattern - Introduction
- State Design pattern - Real time example [ATM]
- State Design pattern - Real time example [TV Remote]
- State Design pattern - Real time example [Vending Machine]
- State Design pattern - Real time example [Project]
- State Design pattern - Class Diagram
- State Design pattern - Implementation [ATM]
- State Design pattern - Implementation [Vending Machine]
- State Design pattern - Implementation [Project]
- State Design pattern - Implementation [LED TV]
- State Design pattern - Keypoints
- Command Design pattern
- Command Design pattern - Introduction
- Command Design pattern - Real time example [Hotel]
- Command Design pattern - Real time example [Menu]
- Command Design pattern - Class Diagram
- Command Design pattern - Sequence Diagram
- Command Design pattern - Object Creation and flow
- Command Design pattern - Implementation [Menu]
- Command Design pattern - Key points
- Interpreter Design pattern
- Structural design patterns
- Structural design patterns
- Filter or Criteria Design Pattern
- Composite Design Pattern
- Proxy Design Pattern
- Proxy Design Pattern - Introduction
- Proxy Design pattern - Real Time Example[ATM]
- Proxy Design pattern - Real Time Example [Proxy Server]
- Proxy Design pattern - Class Diagram
- Proxy Design pattern - Sequence Diagram
- Proxy Design pattern - Implementation [Protection Proxy]
- Proxy Design pattern - Implementation [Remote Proxy]
- Proxy Design pattern - Implementation[Virtual Proxy]
- Proxy Design Pattern - Key Points
- Flyweight Design pattern
- Decorator Design pattern
- Decorator Design pattern - Introduction
- Decorator Design pattern - Real Time Example [Dosa]
- Decorator Design pattern - Real Time Example [Ice Cream]
- Decorator Design pattern - Real Time Example [Pizza]
- Decorator Design pattern - Real Time Example [Car]
- Decorator Design pattern - Class Diagram
- Decorator Design pattern - Sequence Diagram
- Decorator Design pattern - Implementation [Dosa]
- Decorator Design pattern - Implementation [Pizza]
- Decorator Design pattern - Implementation [Ice Cream]
- Decorator Design pattern - Implementation [Car]
- Decorator Design pattern - Implementation [Shape]
- Decorator Design pattern - Key Points
- Bridge Design pattern
- Bridge Design pattern - Introduction
- Bridge Design pattern - Real time example [Send Message]
- Bridge Design pattern - Real time example [Publish Message]
- Bridge Design pattern - Real time example [Shape]
- Bridge Design pattern - Real time example [TV]
- Bridge Design pattern - Class Diagram
- Bridge Design pattern - Implementation [Shape]
- Bridge Design pattern - Implementation [Send Message]
- Bridge Design pattern - Implementation [Publish Message]
- Bridge Design pattern - Implementation [LED TV]
- Bridge Design pattern - Keypoints
- Adapter Design Pattern
- Adapter Design pattern - Introduction
- Adapter Design Pattern - Real Time Exmaple(Translator)
- Adapter Design pattern - Real Time Example (Card Reader)
- Adapter Design pattern - Real Time Example (Mobile Charger)
- Adapter Design pattern - Real Time Example (Universal Adaptor)
- Adapter Design pattern - Real Time Example [JDBC Driver]
- Adapter Design pattern - Class diagram
- Adapter Design Pattern - Sequence diagram
- Adapter Design Pattern - Implementation [Language Translator]
- Adapter Pattern - Implementation [Object Adapter]
- Adapter Pattern - Implementation [Class Adapter]
- Adapter Design Pattern - Implementation [Mobile Charger]
- Adapter Design Pattern - Key Points
- Concurrency Design patterns
- Concurrency patterns
- Thread Pool Design Pattern
- Monitor or synchronization Design Pattern
- Lock Design Pattern
- Scheduler Design Pattern
- Read-write lock Design Pattern
- Messaging Design Pattern(MDP)
- Messaging Design Pattern(MDP) - Introduction
- Messaging Design Pattern(MDP) - Asynchronous messaging
- Messaging Design Pattern(MDP) - Two Way Messaging
- Messaging Design Pattern(MDP) - Implementation of Proxy
- Messaging Design Pattern(MDP)-Implementation of Adapter
- Messaging Design Pattern(MDP) - Implementation of Webservice
- Reactor Design Pattern
- Double-checked locking Design Pattern
- Offline Concurrency Patterns
- Session State Design pattern
- Distribution Patterns
- Base Design Pattern
- Base Design Pattern
- Gateway Design Pattern
- Layer Supertype Design Pattern
- Registry Design Pattern
- Money Design Pattern
- Plugin Design Pattern
- Special Case Design Pattern
- Separated Interface Design Pattern
- Service Stub Design Pattern
- Record Set Design Pattern
- Mapper Design Pattern
- Value Object Design Pattern
- Web Presentation Patterns
- Domain Logic Patterns
- Object Relational Structural Patterns
- Object-Relational Structural Patterns
- Identity Field Design Pattern
- Foreign Key Mapping Design Pattern
- Association Table Mapping Design Pattern
- Dependent Mapping Design Pattern
- Embedded Value Design Pattern
- Serialized LOB Design Pattern
- Single Table Inheritance Design Pattern
- Class Table Inheritance Design Pattern
- Concrete Table Inheritance Design Pattern
- Inheritance Mappers Design Pattern
- Object Relational Behavioral Patterns
- Object Relational MetadataMapping Patterns
- Data Source Architectural Patterns
- All Design Patterns Links
- Servlets Tutorial
- Servlets Tutorial - Playlists [Part 1]
- Servlets Tutorial - Playlist
- Tomcat - Playlist
- Servlets : WAR file - Playlist
- HTTP Methods and HTTP Status Codes - Playlist
- Client-Server Model - Playlist
- Servlet Application Creation using Eclipse - Playlist
- Servlets Basics - Playlist
- Servlets : Request and Response Headers - Playlist
- Servlets Form Data - Playlist
- Servlets : ServletConfig and ServletContext - Playlist
- Servlets : load-on-startup - Playlist
- Servlets : RequestDispatcher - Playlist
- Servlets : Send Redirect - Playlist
- Servlets Tutorial - Playlists [Part 2]
- Servlet Filter - Playlist
- Servlets : Filter Config - Playlist
- Servlets : HttpSession - Playlist
- Servlets : Cookies - Playlist
- Servlets : Attribute - Playlist
- Servlets : ServletRequestAttributeListener - Playlist
- Servlets : Listeners - Playlist
- Servlets : HttpSessionAttributeListener - Playlist
- Servlets : ServletContextAttributeListener - Playlist
- Servlets : ServletContextListener - Playlist
- Servlets : Upload File and Download File - Playlist
- Servlets : HttpSessionListener - Playlist
- Servlets : ServletRequestListener - Playlist
- Servlets : HttpSessionBindinglistener - Playlist
- Servlets : Session Tracking - Playlist
- Servlets : URL Rewriting - Playlist
- Servlets - Database Access - Playlist
- Servlets Basics - Part1
- Servlets Basics - Part2
- Servlets : Request and Response Headers
- Servlets Form Data
- ServletConfig and ServletContext
- Servlets : load-on-startup
- RequestDispatcher and Send Redirect
- RequestDispatcher Introduction
- Servlets : RequestDispatcher Example
- Servlets : Send Redirect Introduction
- Send Redirect Demo[Transfer control to the Servlet which is in the Same Webcontainer]
- Send Redirect Demo[Transfer control to different domain]
- Servlets : Send Redirect vs. Forward
- Page Redirection
- Filter Config
- Servlet Filter
- Servlet HttpSession
- Session Tracking
- Servlets Listeners
- Servlets Listeners
- ServletRequestAttributeListener Introduction
- ServletRequestAttributeListener Demo
- HttpSessionAttributeListener Introduction
- HttpSessionAttributeListener Demo
- ServletContextAttributeListener Introduction
- ServletContextAttributeListener Demo
- ServletContextListener Introduction
- ServletContextListener Demo
- HttpSessionListener Introduction
- HttpSessionListener Demo
- HttpSession Listener Demo [Count logged in Users]
- ServletRequestListener Introduction
- ServletRequestListener Demo
- HttpSessionBindinglistener Introduction
- HttpSessionBindinglistener Demo
- HttSessionActivationListener
- Servlets - Database Access
- MySQL Installation
- MySQL Workbench
- Oracle Database Server Installation
- Oracle Sql Developer Installation
- Oracle Sql Developer - Connect to the User
- JDBC|Servlets : BoneCP Connection Pooling - Oracle - Tomcat
- JDBC|Servlets : BoneCP Connection Pooling - Mysql- Tomcat
- JDBC|Servlets : BoneCP DataSource Oracle - Tomcat
- JDBC|Servlets : BoneCP DataSource Mysql - Tomcat
- JDBC|Servlets : Tomcat Connection Pooling - DBCP- Oracle
- JDBC|Servlets : Tomcat Connection Pooling - DBCP - Mysql
- JDBC|Servlets : Tomcat C3PO Connection Pooling - Mysql
- JDBC|Servlets : Tomcat C3PO Connection Pooling - Oracle
- Client-Server Model
- Eclipse
- Tomcat
- war file
- HTTP Methods and HTTP Status Codes
- Servlets Tutorial
- JDBC Tutorial
- JDBC Tutorial - Playlist [Part 1]
- JDBC Tutorial - Playlist
- Mysql Tutorial - Playlist
- JDBC : Steps to Connect to the Database and Demo - Playlist
- JDBC ResultSetMetadata - Playlist
- JDBC DatabaseMetadata - Playlist
- JDBC Statement - Playlist
- JDBC Connection - Playlist
- JDBC PreparedStatement - Playlist
- JDBC ResultSet - Playlist
- JDBC Create|Read|Update|Delete Records - Playlist
- JDBC Create|Drop Database - Playlist
- JDBC Create|Drop Table - Playlist
- JDBC Batch Processing - Playlist
- JDBC Scrollable ResultSet - Playlist
- JDBC Tutorial - Playlist [Part 2]
- JDBC DriverManager and JDBC Driver - Playlist
- Java Decompiler - Playlist
- JDBC Basics - Playlist
- JDBC Driver Types - Playlist
- JDBC Store and Retrieve Image - Playlist
- JDBC Store and Retrieve File - Playlist
- JDBC Transaction Management - Playlist
- JDBCRowSet - Playlist
- JDBC Mysql - Playlist
- JDBC Oracle - Playlist
- JDBC DataSource - Playlist
- JDBC DBCP DataSource - Playlist
- JDBC : Java Database Connection Pooling - Playlist
- Oracle Database & SqlDeveloper Tutorial - Playlist
- Bone CP Connection Pooling - Playlist
- DBCP Connection Pooling - Playlist
- C3PO Connection Pooling - Playlist
- JDBC Stored Procedure (Mysql) - Playlist
- JDBC Stored Procedure (Oracle) - Playlist
- Mysql & Oracle
- JDBC Basics
- JDBC Driver Types
- JDBC Driver Types
- Type 1 JDBC Driver : JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver (Bridge Driver)
- Type 2 JDBC Driver: Native-API driver/Partly Java driver(Native Driver)
- Type 3 Driver : AllJava/Net-protocol driver or Network Protocol Driver(Middleware Driver)
- Type 4 Driver : All Java/Native-protocol driver or Thin Driver (Pure Java Driver)
- JDBC : Which Driver Should be used
- JDBC Statement & PreparedStatement
- JDBC ResultSet
- JDBC ResultSetMetadata
- JDBC DatabaseMetadata
- JDBC Create|Read|Update|Delete Records
- JDBC Batch Processing
- JDBC Transaction Management
- JDBC Store Image & File
- JDBCRowSet
- JDBC DataSource
- Java Database Connection Pooling
- JDBC : Java Database Connection Pooling [BoneCP vs DBPool vs C3PO]
- JDBC|Servlets : BoneCP Connection Pooling - Oracle - Tomcat
- JDBC|Servlets : BoneCP Connection Pooling - Mysql- Tomcat
- JDBC|Servlets : BoneCP DataSource Oracle - Tomcat
- JDBC|Servlets : BoneCP DataSource Mysql - Tomcat
- JDBC|Servlets : Tomcat Connection Pooling - DBCP- Oracle
- JDBC|Servlets : Tomcat Connection Pooling - DBCP - Mysql
- JDBC|Servlets : Tomcat C3PO Connection Pooling - Mysql
- JDBC|Servlets : Tomcat C3PO Connection Pooling - Oracle
- Object Pool Design Pattern - Introduction
- Object Pool Design Pattern - Implementation
- Connection Pooling [Example of Object Pool Design Pattern]
- Object Pool Design Pattern - KeyPoints
- JDBC Stored Procedure
- JDBC : CallableStatement Introduction.
- Mysql - Simple Stored Procedure
- Mysql - Stored Procedure with Input Parameter
- Mysql - Stored Procedure with multiple Input Parameters
- Mysql - Stored Procedure with Input and Output Parameters
- JDBC - CallableStatement with Input and Output Parameters(Mysql)
- JDBC - CallableStatement (Mysql)
- JDBC - CallableStatement with Input Parameter(Mysql)
- JDBC - CallableStatement Multiple In Out Parameters (Mysql)
- Oracle : Stored Procedure with Input and Output Parameters
- Oracle : Stored Procedure Cursor
- JDBC - CallableStatement In Out Parameters (Oracle)
- JDBC - CallableStatement Cursor(Oracle)
- JDBC - CallableStatement Cursor and multiple out param(Oracle)
- JDBC Tutorial
Friday, 17 January 2020
JSON/XML/SQL and MongoDB Tutorial
JSON Tutorial
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